Using Element on Android

  1. Download the Element app from Google Play (or F-Droid).

  2. Open the app, tap "Get Started", then "Sign in with Matrix ID" at the bottom. You may need to scroll down.

  3. Enter your Matrix ID (e.g. and your password and tap "Sign In".

  4. Use the green "+" button in the bottom left to start a new chat and type in my Matrix ID:

  5. Tap my entry in the "Suggestions" section, then "Create" in the top right. Type in a message and send it!

  6. Now go back to the home screen and tap the "Secure Backup" box. Using Secure Backup allows you to securely save the secret keys used to encrypt your messages, so that you will always be able to read your old encrypted messages.

  7. Select "Use a Security Key", enter your password to re-authenticate yourself the tap "Save as File". Save the file to your phone or tablet and tap "Continue".

  8. You're done!

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